6 Crucial Components for Crafting a Family History Scene

You probably heard before that in any given scene you need character, your ancestor, of course, and setting, but what else? Are you locking down all 6 key components in your scenes.  Scenes are so very important to our family history stories, and understanding these 6 components will go along way to getting it right and engaging your reader.  Watch the video lesson below and start crafting scenes that will entertain and engage your reader. 

4 thought on “6 Crucial Components for Crafting a Family History Scene”

  1. I’m a retired teacher and part of the U.S. National Writing Project. I run a genealogy writing workshop for my club. Your presentation was wonderfully concise and informative.

  2. Thank You Lynn for the excellent advice. In the past I had over a few years compiled true stories of my childhood and what it was like growing up in the 1950’s under dire circumstances due to the downturn in the economy and its effects on families. In order to get his down fast before I forget some critical details, I quickly wrote it all down in increments such as episodes/stories of each scene as the occurred chronologically (using my memories at that time). However, after hearing your advice today, I realize that I had written some as you suggested that of setting up that particular scene and so on. Because I chose to write as my memories came through when writing about this life, I now have pages upon pages of episodes or scenes to connect together. The only way I did that was just to continue on as I remember in sequence of the events as they occurred. I have put everything aside for the summer months as I am to have surgery for now and will resume writing in the Fall as that seems to be the time that I feel greatest in tackling this in increments without disturbing my routines in everyday life. Sometimes as I sit in silence a flood of the past come forward to remind me to write about that particular event, but I keep it in the background to bring it up later when in writing mode. The most important thing right now for me is to get this down in writing before it gets lost in oblivion. At present I have too many things to handle, but I am handling them one at a time and so it goes with my writing as well. In the end I will have the task of stitching it all together into a complete descriptive narrative that is ready for publication. I enjoy your videos however finances and health problems deter me at the moment. I await until all is ready to continue with my lifelong story that in the end enabled me to become that much stronger for it.

  3. I love it. I would give anything to have the physical strength and finances to attend one of these retreats. I even have a passport from when I was going to visit a friend in Canada before Covid! But, I will have to be content with moments like these that encourage and inspire me onward. Thanks Lynn.

  4. I really enjoy your weekly additions! You make writing sound exciting.

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Putting Words in their MouthsPutting Words in their Mouths

We now know that dialogue is an important element to good scene writing.

However, it doesn’t remove our apprehension about using it in our family history stories. It becomes a scary proposition for family historians and often stops many from writing scenes because they don’t want to put words in their ancestor’s mouths.  Instead, they settle for dry narrative summary rather than writing an engaging story built on scene and summary.

Dialogue for family historians falls into two camps, which I will refer to  as recalled conversations and re-created conversations. First let me start by saying, how you handle dialogue in your family history is a personal decision. Some nonfiction writers believe in no fabrication, while others believe you can put words in your character’s mouth within guidelines. There seems to be a broad range of interpretations on the subject.


Recalled Conversations

My definition of a recalled conversation is when the person or persons were present for the discussion but do not recall the exact words that were exchanged.  This could be you writing a memoir or interviewing a relative recalling a conversation. Here’s a few guidelines for recalled conversations.

  1. You are not expected to remember verbatim what was said, but instead convey the essence of the discussion. If your grandmother is recalling a conversation to you, it is not expected that she would remember the exact words that transpired. However,  through your interview she would remember the conversation to the best of her knowledge, capturing the tone and essence of the exchange.
  2. If you are privy to a conversation, don’t transcribe the conversations word for word. Separate out the important parts. What part is memorable and reveals character and is relevant to the story?
  3. Conversations do not need to be complete sentences, nor does it need to contain every verbal tic a person might say. You know all those ands, umms and buts, we insert into our vocabulary. The reader does not need to read these.
  4. Also don’t forget to include setting and body language, which help add to the characterizations behind the words.

Re-Created Conversations

My definition of a re-created dialogue applies to those discussions that took place well in the past, and no one who was present is alive to interview. You  may wish to re-create this conversation but here are a few guidelines I follow.

1. Turn to your research to re-create dialogue. I believe you can re-create dialogue that is based on your research and can be summarized and hypothesized base on your ancestor’s actions.  I’ve covered the possible resources for re-creating dialogue in a previous  post, Re-Creating Dialogue and in Authentic Ancestors.

2. Remain faithful to the essence of what the character would have said and the nature of the conversation.

3. Be honest with the readers, acknowledge when you are re-creating dialogue and when you are recalling.

I’ll also include a link here for those of you who are just learning to write dialogue, 7 Tips to Formatting Dialogue.

I’ve grabbed a couple of books from by bookshelf to offer examples of how other authors have handled the situation.

For example in the memoir , The StovePipe by Bonnie Virag, in her author’s notes she addresses the topic:

I set forth each incident as I remember it, occasionally relying on my sisters to fill in some of the gaps – bearing in mind that each of us saw through a different set of eyes and may have perceived things differently. Some of the dialogue I remember clearly and recount verbatim. Where memory fails me, I created dialogue based on the way my sisters expressed themselves. The rest is as accurate as I can make it. It is the story of my life, and I have tried to be true to my thoughts and memories.

Another example,

Jeannette Walls, Author of Half-Broke Horses

In telling my grandmother’s story, I never aspired to that sort of historical accuracy. I saw the book more in the vein of oral history, a retelling of stories handed down by my family through the years, and undertaken with the storyteller’s traditional liberties. ….she goes on to say

I don’t have the words from Lily herself, and since I have also drawn on my imagination to fill in details that are hazy or missing- and I ‘ve changed a few names to protect people’s privacy – the only honest thing to do is call the book a novel.

Regardless of whether you are recalling dialogue or recreating dialogue the important thing to remember is to  be honest with the reader.

Lee Gutkind, creative nonfiction teacher and author of You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, expresses his thoughts and I’ll end with his words

“The idea is to replicate the conversation vividly and to mirror memory and speculation with trust and good judgement.”


What is Head-Hopping and How to Avoid ItWhat is Head-Hopping and How to Avoid It

Hey there, fellow scribes! Welcome back to my writer’s corner, where we dive deep into the art of family history storytelling. Today, we’re tackling a topic that’s essential for any budding writer: head hopping. You might be wondering, “What on earth is head hopping?” Well, fear not, because in this video, we’ll unravel the mysteries behind this sneaky technique and discover how to steer clear of its pitfalls. It’s like navigating a treacherous river, but with the right knowledge and guidance, you’ll be able to keep your readers engaged and immersed in your narrative. So grab your pens and notebooks, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together.